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Q: What effect do you think the difference in the length of terms has on the way senators and representatives vote?
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What is the term length of Representatives and senators?

One term for a member of the House of Representatives is two years. This was set up to get the members of the House of Representatives to act quickly on a matter.It is a two year term of office.

Do people who want to be representatives or senators have to be in the us for a certain length of time?

hmm... I believe you must complete college in America so in a technical answer, yes

What is there length of the congress term?

In the USA, a member of the House of Representatives has to run for re-election, or step down if he/she so chooses, every two years. They have a two year term. Senators, on the other hand, have a 6 year term. Neither Senators nor Representatives are limited as to how many terms they may serve.

What is the main difference between a senators term and a represenatives?

Length is the main difference between a Senator's term and a Representative's term. Members of the House are elected by the voters to serve 2-year terms, while Senators are elected to serve 6-year terms.

What is the term length for junior senators?

It 6 years for all senators.

How do senators differ from their collegues in the house of representatives?

There are only 100 senators and 435 House members. Senators serve 6-year terms but Congressmen have 2-year terms. Therefore Senators tend to be more influential both in Washington and in their states. This is particularly true in large states that have a lot of Congressmen that come and go while senators stay in power.

What is the length of the term of a US States Senator?

6 years - Senate 2 years- House of Representatives

How long can a senator serve?

Under the term limits voted in as an amendment to the Michigan State Constitution, senators, representatives, and the governor can serve two terms. Because the length of terms differs, this adds up to four years for representatives and eight for the governor or senators. Michigan's Senators in the United State Senate serve a term of six years. They may be re-elected for as many additional terms as the voters allow. There have been some attempts to limit the terms of US Senators by State law, but since the US Constitution overrides the state laws for federal elections, this wouldn't stand up.

'What is the term length for state senators'?

6 years

What is the difference between a senator's term of office and that of a representative?

The main difference between a Senator's term and that of a Representative in the United States Congress is length. Senators are elected to terms of 6 years, and the terms for the House are 2 years.

What is a Congressional term?

A period of time to which a limit has been set.Another Answer: Senators serve 6-year terms - - - Representatives serve 2-year terms.

What is length of term for House of Representatives?

2 years