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Q: What effect does a conjunction have?
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Is Because a coordination conjunction?

No, "because" is a subordinating conjunction, which connects a dependent clause indicating cause and effect.

What type of conjunction is when?

When is a subordinating conjunction and a conjunction of time. It can connect a clause that tells time, or that indicates cause and effect (e.g. when the hammer falls, the gun fires).

How do you spell becues?

The likely word is the conjunction or preposition because(indicating a cause and effect).

What coordinating conjunction is used to combine sentences that express a cause and effect?

ur face

How do you spell beacuse?

The coreect spelling of the conjunction is because(implying a reason or cause for an effect).

Is therefore a conjunction?

No, "therefore" is not a conjunction; it is an adverb that indicates a conclusion or result based on previous information presented. It is commonly used to show cause and effect relationships in sentences.

What is a subordanating conjunction?

A subordinating conjunction is a type of conjunction that connects a dependent clause to an independent clause to form a complex sentence. It shows the relationship between the two clauses, such as showing cause and effect, time, or contrast. Examples include "because," "although," and "when."

Is whenever a subordinating conjunction?

Yes, whenever is a subordinating conjunction. It introduces a dependent restrictive clause that modifies the independent clause, indicating simultaneity or cause and effect. (Whenever the bell rings, it bothers the dog.)

Is it to correct to say in conjunction to or in conjunction with?

In conjunction with

What is the word ''because''?

"Because" is a conjunction used to introduce a reason or explanation for something. It connects two clauses to show cause and effect or reasoning.

What type of conjunction is used to connect the two kinds of clauses together?

A subordinating conjunction is used to connect independent and dependent clauses together. These conjunctions show the relationship between the clauses, such as cause and effect or time sequence. Examples include "because," "although," and "when."

When is a conjunction false?

no, when is a conjunction