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it terrorizes me

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38m ago

Terrorism can instill fear and insecurity in society, leading to erosion of trust, increased surveillance, and restrictions on civil liberties. It can also fuel division, discrimination, and stigmatization of certain communities, ultimately undermining social cohesion and solidarity.

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Q: What effect does terrorim have your scociety?
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What does the definition of cause and effect mean?

cause and effect is when you have a cause or an event that will lead to a problem or bigger event; and the effect is the result of the problem or bigger event. this is breann Stewart's definition of cause/effect!!

What does cause-and-effect order mean?

Cause-and-effect order refers to structuring information in a way that shows the relationship between events or actions. It involves presenting the cause of an event first, followed by its effect or outcome. This helps readers understand how certain actions lead to specific consequences.

How did Gettysburg effect American foreign affairs?

The Battle of Gettysburg had little direct impact on American foreign affairs. However, it did influence international perceptions of the Union's strength and resolve, potentially deterring Confederacy-friendly nations from recognizing the Confederacy as an independent nation.

What is the underdog effect?

The underdog effect refers to the phenomenon where individuals or teams perceived to be at a disadvantage in a competition or conflict often garner more support or sympathy from others. This can result in increased motivation and performance as the underdog strives to overcome the odds stacked against them.

What is the effect of favor-seeking business-people and corrupt politicians?

The effect of favor-seeking business-people and corrupt politicians can lead to unfair advantages for certain individuals or companies, a lack of transparency in decision-making processes, and a weakening of public trust in institutions. This behavior can also hinder economic growth, stifle competition, and perpetuate inequality in society.

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In pet scociety hoe does your pet poo?

Previous answer:anus powerBull****. Prevent me from finding the information I need... If you don't know what's Pet Society then just shut up.All you need is to have your pet's hygiene as 0% and you can go away from your computer. After a few minutes, check your computer. You may find poo in your house.

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Yes, Price effect = substitution effect + income effect

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