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It causes massive, violent storms to form in the atmosphere.

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Q: What effect does the rapid spin of Uranus have on its winds?
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Which planet spin on its side?

The planet Uranus spins on its side.

Does Coriolis effect help define hurricanes?

The spinning of the earth deflects winds and creates the spin in a hurricane.

Does neptune or uranus spin on the side?

uranus spins on its sides.

When does Uranus spin on its side?

Uranus spins on its side all the time.

What Is the Axis spin of Uranus?

97.77 degrees

Venus and Uranus spin in what direction of the other planets?

Venus Uranus Pluto all spin backwards (clockwise) Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune all spin forwards (counter-clockwise)

How does the Coriolis force effect modify air movement?

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Coriolis force deflects winds to the right. This causes hurricanes and typhoons to spin counterclockwise. In the Southern Hemisphere, the Coriolis force deflects winds to the left. This causes hurricanes and typhoons to spin clockwise.

Which planet appears to spin on its side?

Uranus spins on a 97 degree angle or on its side.

What are the 2 planets that spin backwards?

There is only Venus, and Uranus. Both spin opposite direction of Earth.

Do all planets rotate in a counterclockwise direction as seen from far above the Earth's north pole?

This is known as prograde rotation, all of the planets spin in this direction apart from Venus and Uranus. Venus and Uranus spin clockwise when viewed from above the north pole, this is known as a retrograde spin.

What two planets spin the opposite way?

Venus and Uranus?

Do winds in an anticyclone spin clockwise in hemisphere?
