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Q: What effect does value of the dollar have on consumers?
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if the value of dollar goes down, there are big effect to the ofw, for example the remittaces of the ofw when they sent the dollar here in Philippines the value of the dollar is depreciated.

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When a good or service possesses a network effect, then its value to a consumer depends on the number of other consumers who also purchase that item.

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Yes because it will teach you the value of the dollar which will help u learn to save and spend money wisely

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The more dollars that flee from America to other parts of the world.the more likely the dollar can be debased by the government.

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Examples of the effect of consumer "dollar votes" on jobs: Internet is a way for people to get information so the "dollar votes" for newspaper had gone down. House phones are not being bought as much because of the use of many high tech smart cellphones. The use of DVR decreased because of Internet movies such as Netflix being created for a way for people to have movie rentals..