

What effect dose pH on chlorine?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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14y ago

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The most important variable, that is also the most misunderstood, is pH (Hydrogen Potential/Power). What actually is pH? The scientific definition is the logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration. Or more simply stated pH is a number between 0 and 14, denoting various degrees of acidity or alkalinity. Neutral water has a pH of 7. Water below 7 is acidic and becomes more acidic as it approached zero. Water above 7 is alkaline and alkalinity increases as it approaches 14. What is the pH of your water and how does it improve or impair the chlorine's ability to be effective? When the pH of your water is 7 or below, chlorine will act primarily as a sanitizer. At this level, it is very effect at killing bacteria. At 7.4, chlorine will act equally as a sanitizer and oxidizer. Above 7.8, the chlorine will act principally as an oxidizer.

The pH of chlorine is 11.7. It would seem logical that adding chlorine into water having a neutral pH would make the water more alkaline and this is true in a majority of the cases. Keeping this in mind, it may be necessary to lower the pH of water with an acid in order to increase the efficacy of chlorine in the killing of bacteria if your water has a high pH to begin with. When chlorine is added to water it becomes hypochlorite ions (OCI) and hypochlorous acid (HOCI) in a quantity determined by the pH as indicated by the chart below: pH OCI HOCI

6.0 3.50% 96.50%

6.5 10.00% 90.00%

7.0 27.50% 72.50%

7.5 50.00% 50.00%

8.0 78.50% 21.50%

8.5 90.00% 10.00%

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What is the pH of chlorine?

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The PH levels have to be at the correct level for it to grow

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Add more chlorine. More to it than that. Test & if necessary correct the pH first - that's important. Calculate correct dose rate of chlorine & add accordingly. If it's an outdoor pool switch to stabilised chlorine if not already using it.

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Depends on the type of chlorine you are using as each type of chlorine product has it's own pH level. i.e Liquid chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) has a natural pH of about 14. Trichlo products have a pH of about 3 Dichlor products have a pH of about 6.8 Gas Chlorine has a pH of <1 So based on the above lets say you are using liquid chlorine in a concrete pool, the pH will tend to be high (alkaline) due to the high pH of the chlorine product coupled with the fact the pool is concrete.

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chlorine itself has very little effect on the plaster coating that is used in most pools, if your coating is of a color , chlorine added directly to a spot may cause some discoloration , but unlikely, the pH or alkalinity of the water is of much more concern than the chlorine when it comes to a gunite pool coating.

When opening a pool is it better to the pH or the chlorine right first?

Adjusting the chlorine content will almost certainly affect the pH, so it would be simpler to get the chlorine level correct first and then titrate to the proper pH.

Will shocking with chlorine make PH go up?

yes, and the pH can go up significantly depending on what type of chlorine used for shocking. Liquid chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) will cause the PH to increase at a higher rate than that of granular chlorine (such as calcium hypochlorite)

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Do you have a chlorine generator? No.

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Ph is low and chlorine is high?

Add sodium bicarb to raise pH. Chlorine will go down by itself or add sodium thiosulfate