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We all originate from the DNA of the first African people, but through evolution, we have developed races.

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Junius Weimann

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Q: What effect has African culture had on other cultures around the world?
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How did exploration and conquests in the middle ages affect relations between ancient societies?

The effect was biggest in the ancient Inca and Mayan societies and cultures that were annihilated in a relatively short period of time. The effect on East Indian cultures was limited and would remain so for another couple of centuries. African societies would remain undisturbed until the late 19th century. That even goes for slavery, which in African societies itself was widespread, with often 20-30 percent of a society's population consisting of slaves to African masters.

How do you think the spreading of Jews through the Romans' world affected Jewish culture?

The spreading of Jews through the Roman world affected Jewish culture in a number of ways. Anytime there is a culture clash, both cultures will come away with new habits. Mixing with different cultures can have a watering down effect on the practice of religion, and the mixing also exposed Jews to different food preparation methods and social mores.

What effect did the African slave trade have on African culture and society?

culture: Christianity in Africa. Towns become sophisticated.society: more women than men because men 14 - 35 were the most profitable slaves. Women had to do men's jobs. Polygamy. Life got more dangerous because of guns.

What effect did the extreme realism of pop art have on American culture?

One effect that pop art had on American culture was that people became more critical of consumer culture.

What part of ancient Indian culture had the greatest effect on other cultures today?

Well, I think its Hinduism because several people today (about one million in the U.S.) still practice Hinduism and the teachings of meditation and yoga.

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culture has the bib effect to travel because people know what are the cultures

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The effect they had was spreading there culture and finding ways to better improve and develop it.

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What is the richest culture in the world?

Indian and China have the richest cultures because : 1) Wherever you go in China and India there will be a difference in culture depending on what region you go 2) China and India are both two great civilization who have been around for hundreds of years 3) They have have influenced other cultures , India has influenced the Thai culture, the Burmese culture, Cambodian culture, Afghanistan's culture, partly Persian culture and Indonesia's culture. China culture has influenced : -Japan's culture -Korea's Culture -Vietnamese Culture -Mongolian Culture If a culture has such as effect on the other cultures then it must be rich and appealing to other people wanting to adopt 4) Both of the countries have well developed Music, art, architecture , Dance and traditional dress Hope that answers your question ;D, By Adnaan1

The African culture has had a profound effect on the bahamian society Examine explain the influence of these effects on your society?

Throughout slavery in the 18th _19th century there were a few cultures preformed. They carried out numerous activities that they were familiar to back in Africa. Music (Junkanoo), storytelling, bush medicine and their religion.

What effects do you think slavery had on populations and cultures of west African countries?

an effect that slavery had on populations and cultures of west african countries went up. because population increased with slaves and since their was more population, the peoples would have to spread and make a larger tribe or spread out and make more cultures because, their was such an increasment on population.

What cultures had the greatest effect on Islam?

Islam is God religion since start of universe creation. It is not affected by any culture. refer to question below.

What part of ancient India culture do you think has had the greatest effect on other cultures today why?

i dont know but i know that 3 is equal to 1 + 1

Does local culture has any effect on project execution?

Yes. Local culture has an affect on project execution. In some cultures it's impolite to argue, and people will execute obviously faulty plans in order not to be considered disobedient. Some cultures have more built in vacations or siestas. Some cultures work faster or slower or are more fastidious. E.g.: If a plan is built for a culture of obedience and is executed in a culture of sloppiness, havoc will ensue. If a plan is designed for a culture meticulous about safety regulations and is executed in a culture with disregard for such, major accidents can happen.

Effect of western culture?

the effect of western culture on ours the effect of western culture on ours

What does acculturation have to do with identity?

Acculturation is defined as changes which occur as a result of the meeting of different cultures. It has an effect on identity in that each individual culture takes on the traits of the other.

What effect did the spread of publicity education have on culture?

Education in general open doors for people to learn about other cultures. When people learn about other cultures, they tend to want to test them and in the end they mix them with their own cultures which dilut their culture. One example is Africa wedding. People this days have both white and traditional weddings. They have been influenced by the western traditions which is why they have both weddings.