

What effect has Imperatoxin on prey?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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9y ago

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Imperatoxin's effect on prey is that it immobilizes the prey. This allows for the insect to move in and kill the prey.

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Q: What effect has Imperatoxin on prey?
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1. The predation coefficients tell us what the outcome of each encounter is, on average a. The only significant outcome for the prey is whether it lives or dies (1) B1 is the proportion of encounters that result in the death of a prey individual (2) the right-hand side (RHS) of the prey equation is the effect of predators "cropping" off prey and slowing geometric growth b. The significant outcomes for the predator are a successful kill AND the production of offspring (1) B2 is the proportion of encounters that result in the death of a prey individual (B1) multiplied by the proportion of a new predator individual contributed by a prey individual (2) the RHS of the predator equation is the effect of prey "rescuing" the predator from geometric decline 2. N1 N2 is the probability of encounter of predator and prey a. This means that as the number of predator individuals and/or the number of prey individuals increases, so does the chance of them bumping into one-another.

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Henfrayyy:57 minutes agoIf natural selections deselects the prey with qualities that can make it a worthy adversary to the predator, the predator's chief source of food will diminish and with it the predator. In consequence, the surviving prey will increase in population. The net effect is that the predator-prey balance will be upset.

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