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Overgrazing has destroyed the plants that hold the soil in place.

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Q: What effect has the herding of animals had on sahel?
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How has herding in the Sahel affected the environment?

Herding in the Sahel has had both positive and negative effects on the environment. On one hand, traditional herding practices can promote biodiversity and soil fertility by allowing vegetation to regenerate and prevent desertification. On the other hand, overgrazing and the expansion of commercial herding have led to deforestation, soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity, exacerbating the environmental challenges faced in the region. Sustainable and regulated herding practices are necessary to mitigate these negative impacts.

What types of animals live in the Sahel?

Cows; sheep

How do people live in the Sahel Desert?

The Sahel is not a desert, it is a semiarid grassland south of the Sahara. People farm and graze domestic animals

Who was the god of animals?

Artemis was a goddess of animals of the wild.Hermes was the god of animal husbandry, including cattle-herding, shepherding, goat-herding and even the breeding of horses and mules.Pan was also a god of the wild that protected animals.

Growing some food herding animals some hunting and gathering?

There are many connections between growing food, herding animals, hunting, and gathering. These are things humans do to stay alive and eat.

Why should African's save the sahel?

Because the Sahel is an important part of Africa. It has many resources that Africa needs, like vegetation, food (animals), and some water. :)

When Development of herding animals villages and the cultivation of crops began about when?

8000 bc

What was one advantage of cultivating crops and herding animals?

Easier access to food.

What is Growing crops herding animals or even hunting and gathering?

Traditional economy

What is rearing of animals for sale called?


What does sahel mean in Africa?

A Sahel is a strip of land that divides the desert from the wetter areas. A Sahel has a steppe climate which means rainfall varies there from year to year. it is also quite dry, but does provide some vegetation for animals to graze. A sahel is the fringe of the desert. A desert can spread and grow because of overgrazing and deforestation. The sahel is the edge which is spreading.

What is the name of the people who live in the desert and move from place to place herding animals?
