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Depending on location, clearing vegetation can have numerous effects on flooding such as speeding up the errosion process which in turn creates a path of least resistance for water flow.

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Q: What effect if any does clearing of vegetation have on flooding?
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What is a method of clearing land that leaves soil prone to erosion?

Any kind of removal of vegetation from the surface of the soil. This can be through ploughing right through to deforestation.

On what type of surface would soil erosion most likely take place?

Any surface that has soil exposed to wind and precipitation, whether it flat or sloped. If there is wind, or water, any soil that is not held by vegetation will be eroded. Extreme flooding may remove both the soil and the vegetation.

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Forests and any vegetation holds the soil together and stalls run off of rainwater. This holds the water in the uppermost layer of composted material and keeps it from causing a flood

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No. There is not enough vegitation or enough people to have had any effect on what little vegetation survives on the Antarctic continent.

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a decrease in vegetation.

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Narural vegetation refers to the vegetation that grows by itself without any human intervention such as providing water. Vegetation refers to the vegetation which grows with the help of humans.

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