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there is some evidence to suggest that a diet high in fat increases the risk of prostate cancer.

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Q: What effect may diet have in getting prostate cancer?
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What is the best diet to help reduce the chance of prostate cancer?

According to WebMD, a traditional Japanese diet and a Mediterranian diet are both known to reduce prostate cancer risk.

Can certain foods cause prostate cancer?

yes their are certain food that cause cancer i have a full video on this topic, you can click the link below to learn more and how to stop or cut down the eat of certain foods. @Loyalty_101

Does a change of diet help in the stages of prostate cancer?

It has been said that changing your diet can help with prostate cancer, which makes sense as making yourself healthier can help with cancer. Although I recommend following just what your doctor says and ask him what sort of changes are needed.

Can a male get prostate cancer without testes?

HI,From my research, it may still be possible to develop prostate cancer without the testicles. I would say that it depends upon when the testicles were removed.Since prostate cancer is such a slow developing cancer, it would seem possible to have prostate cancer prior to testicle removal (Orchiectomy or bilateral orchiectomy). However, one of the cancer's fuels is testosterone and related hormones (androgens). WebMD states that "Hormone treatment for prostate cancer is used to stop the production of testosterone and all androgens either temporarily or permanently....treatments can be given in many ways. Injections or pills are one method. Drugs can stop the testicles from producing testosterone and protect cells from any other androgens that remain in the body. " This chemical castration has the same effect as an orchiectomy.However, if the testicles were removed prior to the typical age at which prostate cancer develops, there may not be enough testosterone in the body to nourish the cancer. So much of prostate cancer's presence is dependent upon heredity, diet, and environmental factors.Hope this helps.

How can I avoid getting prostate cancer?

The majority of cancers are directly related to genetics and your family history. You need to have regular exams and keep a good diet and excersize plan but be very aware of your family history.

How do you protect prostate from cancer with Diet?

I would recommend avoiding alcohol and eating foods high in zinc. In pretty much all cases of prostate cancer, what you eat will not matter in the long run. If you are genetically predisposed to get it, you will get it no matter what you eat.

Can smoking cause prostate cancer?

Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of various types of cancer, including lung, bladder, and pancreatic cancer. While the association between smoking and prostate cancer is less clear-cut than with other cancers, several studies have suggested a potential link between smoking and an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. Research indicates that smoking may contribute to prostate cancer development through several mechanisms: Carcinogens: Cigarette smoke contains numerous carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) that can damage DNA and promote the growth of cancer cells. These carcinogens may accumulate in the prostate gland, increasing the risk of cancer formation over time. Inflammation: Smoking is known to cause inflammation throughout the body, including in the prostate gland. Chronic inflammation has been implicated in the development of various cancers, including prostate cancer. Hormonal Effects: Smoking may influence hormone levels in the body, including testosterone and other androgens that play a role in prostate cancer development. Some studies have suggested that smoking may increase circulating levels of certain hormones, which could contribute to prostate cancer risk. While the evidence linking smoking to prostate cancer is not as strong as with other cancers, several large-scale studies have found an association between smoking and an increased risk of both developing prostate cancer and experiencing more aggressive forms of the disease. It's important to note that prostate cancer is a complex disease influenced by multiple factors, including genetics, age, race, diet, and lifestyle. Smoking is just one potential risk factor among many. Quitting smoking can have numerous health benefits, including reducing the risk of cancer and improving overall health and well-being. If you smoke and are concerned about your prostate cancer risk, consider talking to your healthcare provider about smoking cessation strategies and prostate cancer screening.

What medications are given through the stomach in for treatment of prostate cancer?

There are no current medications to treat prostate cancer, but some good ones are in testing. Current medications only prolong the life by a few months of men with advanced prostate cancer. Currently, prostate cancer is treated by surgery and chemotherapy along with a prostate healthy diet.

Can you get prostate cancer?

There are many factors which contribute in getting the prostate cancer: 1- heredity 2- testosterone (male's sexual hormone) 3- being part of a high risk population (like African-Americans, etc) 4- other risky situations like bad dietary habits (high-fat diet), smoking, alcohol, etc.

Where online can I find information about lowering your risk of getting prostate cancer?

One way to be practive regarding you prosate is to have regular exams. A diet high in fiber is also a simple life style change that can reduce your risks.

Name a risk to the male body involving the prostate gland?

One significant risk to the male body involving the prostate gland is the development of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the prostate gland grow uncontrollably, forming a tumor. It is one of the most common cancers in men, particularly in older adults. Risk factors for prostate cancer include: Age: The risk of prostate cancer increases with age, with the majority of cases diagnosed in men over 50 years old. Family history: Men with a family history of prostate cancer, especially with a father or brother, have an increased risk of developing the disease. Ethnicity: African American men have a higher risk of prostate cancer compared to men of other ethnicities. Genetic factors: Certain genetic mutations and variations may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Lifestyle factors: Poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, and smoking may also contribute to an increased risk of prostate cancer. Regular screening for prostate cancer, including prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests and digital rectal exams (DREs), can help detect the disease in its early stages when treatment is most effective. It's essential for men to discuss the benefits and risks of prostate cancer screening with their healthcare provider, particularly if they have risk factors for the disease. Early detection and treatment can significantly improve outcomes for individuals diagnosed with prostate cancer.

What are the solutions for prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancers found in men, second only to skin cancer in prevalence. The best way to treat prostate cancer is either through surgery to remove the prostate or through radiation therapy. Aside from the authentic treatment for Prostate Cancer, there is also a more natural alternative for such cure. These are a combination of physical activities and a series of naturalized medical intakes. Exercise and diet and detoxification are some of the most promoted physical ways to alter the course of your cancer. It is a generic way to keep your body healthy and fit and goes for all types of diseases, not just cancer. read more:see related link