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Q: What effect might Marco Polo's description of life in China have had on Europeans traders?
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What effect might Marco Polo's description of life in China have on European traders?

it effectedEuropean trader because they wanted to be even more developed than china so they decided to trade with them

Why did European traders want to buy china?

The Europena traders wanted to buy spices for China.

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No, it was introduced by the Europeans.

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by land

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How did China became more open to foreigners?

Group of traders traveled over the Silk Roads. Traders carried silk, ceramics, tea, and other goods to Western markets. Traders returned with new foods, plants, and minerals. Increased trade led to more Chinese contact with people from other countries. People from Arabia, Persia, and India visited China. Europeans also visited China. These visitors helped to tell other parts of the world about Chinese civilization. The famous European visitor was Marco Polo. He was a trader from Venice, Italy. He traveled the Silk Roads with his father and uncle. He arrived in China around 1275 and stayed for 17 years.

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they reached it by boat