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Q: What effect will the continued growth to the world's population likely have on soil resources?
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How has increased population growth affected North Africa and Southwest Asia?

Congestion and lack of resources is the effect of population growth in North Africa and Southwest Asia. Poverty and famine also are effects of population growth.

Most density-dependent factors that affect population growth are?

competition for resources, predation, disease, and parasitism. These factors tend to have a stronger effect on population growth as population density increases.

How does the availability of resources affect whether a population's growth is exponential or logistic?

If resources are limitless than a population's growth will be exponential. Growth will be logistic in cases where there are limited resources. As the population grows closer to the logistical limit, the overall growth will slow.

What resources in a population become less available in population growth?

Well, AS resources in a populating become less available in population growth declines rapidly.

How can discovery of oil can effect population growth rate?

when country have discovers oil, its get money which effect in increases in population growth, which ultimately increase population growth rate

Describe the factors that contribute to exponential and logistic population growth?

factors that contribute to exponential growth is unlimited resources while factors that contribute to logistic population growth is limited resources.

What is a conclusion of india's population in growth?

India's population growth is a setback. It is readily using all its resources.

When resources become less available how does population growth change?

increased emigration

What are the consequences of continued population growth in the West?

Continued population growth in the West can lead to strain on resources such as water and energy, increased traffic congestion, urban sprawl, and pressure on healthcare and education systems. It may also contribute to environmental degradation and climate change. Overall, managing population growth is crucial to maintain a sustainable quality of life in the region.

What has the greatest impact in limiting population growth?

The continued availability of food supplies is the major restraint on population growth.

What are the 5 major phases in population growth?

Lag phase: Slow initial growth due to limited resources. Exponential growth phase: Rapid population increase as resources become more available. Stationary phase: Growth rate stabilizes as population reaches carrying capacity. Decline phase: Population decreases due to limited resources or other factors. Equilibrium phase: Population stabilizes at a level supported by available resources.

A major burden to the growth of china's economy was cause by?

A major burden to the growth of China's economy was cause by the high population growth. An increase in the population has resulted into limited resources among the residents.