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Q: What effect would an abnormally high level of estrogen or testosterone in a pregnant female have on the developing fetus?
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Can a transgender transsexual female get another female pregnant?

Pre-operation (sex reassignment surgery), while hormones such as estrogen can decrease the level of testosterone a bit- pregnancy is still possible.

Is roundness and tenderness of breasts only related to pregnancy?

The roundness and tenderness is related to estrogen levels. Estrogen levels rise and fall when you are not pregnant, and when you are pregnant estrogen levels rise substantially.

Estrogen to have a period can you take over the coutner estrogen to get pregnant?

No. The items sold over the counter are plant based estrogen and not very strong. Go to the doctor to have help getting pregnant.

Is estrogen or progesterone more important in getting pregnant?

progesterone in getting pregnant and estrogen in staying pregnant---so you need both good luck Joymaker RN

Why do you feel sick when im pregnant?

Extra estrogen

Is it normal to feel like you are turning bisexual during pregnancy?

It can be. Don't forget that when you are pregnant, your hormones are changing. So it definitely could be that if you are pregnant and are getting a surge of hormones, either testosterone or estrogen, it is playing with your sexual feelings. Although I would think that this would just be magnifying what is already there, not causing it from scratch.

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Will higher estrogen levels make breasts larger?

Typically, yes. Women on birth control pills are consuming a form of estrogen that prevents them from becoming pregnant- a side effect experienced by many women on birth control is an increase in breast size, usually a half to full cup size increase. Bodybuilders who abuse steroids also experience breast growth, as some of this excess testosterone is converted to estrogen, which in term stimulates breast growth.

What hormone is given to a pregnant woman to make her go into labor?


Which estrogen hormone is common in non-pregnant woman?

oestrone sulphate

How do estrogen levels influence prolactin levels?

Prolactin is a hormone that acts directly on the mammary glands to produce breast milk. This happens when a woman because pregnant, and when a woman is pregnant, the body reaches high levels of estrogen. Thus, increased levels of estrogen will directly increase levels of prolactin.

What hormones tell a woman she is pregnant?

human chorionic gonadotropin estrogen progesterone