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People protect the American Crocodile by leaving it alone and not killing any of it.

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Q: What effects are being done to protect the American crocodile?
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Can a crocodile eat a full size human being?

Yes a sufficiently large crocodile can eat a whole person, but in pieces

What are threats to the alligator?

The Nile crocodile is threatened by pollution, hunting, and habitat loss. The are a protect species. The Nile crocodile is a opportunistic hunter and has been know to kill humans by the waters edge.

What is being done to save crocodile?

Crocodiles or alligators? Because alligators are being eaten.

Which Louisiana animal has recovered from being threatened or endangered due to efforts made to protect the animal?

American Alligator

What is the masculine and feminine of crocodile?

"un crocodile" means 1 / any member of the species regardless of its gender 2/ any male crocodile A female crocodile would be called 'un crocodile femelle' (the noun being still masculine)

Why is the saltwater crocodile losing their homes?

because water is being poluted

Can a leopard fight crocodile?

Unless attacked by a crocodile at a river, it is unlikely a leopard would deliberately attack a crocodile. The risk of being injured would be too great, and a leopard would want to avoid such an encounter.

Are nile crocodiles endangered animals?

Yes they are endangered and you should try your best to protect them before they end up becoming extinct. Get yourself and friends up and research this animals and see if you want to protect them.

Who is best known for being the crocodile hunter?

Steve Irwin, now deceased, was known as The Crocodile Hunter. His TV series of the same name aired on Animal Planet.

The federal agency designed to protect African-American workers against discrimination was the?

There are none. The EEOC is designed to protect ALL workers against race ever being given weight in employment decisions.

How would you classify crocodile for not being able to stick out their tongue?

Kingdom: AnimalsGroup:VertebratesKind: Reptiles