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Q: What effects did Enlightenment philosophers have on government and society. Montesquieu?
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What effects did enlighten-ment philosophers have on government and society?


What effects did enlightenment philosophers have on government an society?

Enlightenment philosophers emphasized individual rights, reason, and equality, influencing revolutions like the American and French Revolutions. Their ideas challenged traditional monarchies and led to more democratic forms of government and greater emphasis on personal freedom and civil liberties in society. Thinkers like John Locke, Montesquieu, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau laid the groundwork for modern democratic principles and the separation of powers in government.

What were the effects on the enlightenment ideas on society and government?

Its great

What effects did enlightenment Philosophers have on government society?

Well I believe that the enlightment took place in the 18th century witch means that movement emphezized the use of reason and the scientific method as means of abtaining knowladge

How were effects of the scientific revolution different from the effects of the enlightenment?

The scientific revolution caused religious controversies, while the Enlightenment challenged absolute monarchy.

How were the effects of scientific revolution different from the effects of the enlightenment?

The scientific revolution caused religious controversies, while the Enlightenment challenged absolute monarchy.

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How does the enlightenment affect us today?

Enlightenment means belief in the power of human reason and by innovation in politics, religion, and education. Today, the effects of the Enlightenment can be seen in the changes that are proposed and the changes that occur in these areas.

What effects of the Enlightenment can you connect to Rene Descartes?

Rene Descartes philosophy of rationalism and human logic formed the basis for the Enlightenment. "I think, therefore I am" was a vital component of this era.

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It make the government wealthy.

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The effects of trade has an effect on the economy and the government.