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Q: What effects did the sudden growth in slave trade in the seventeenth century have on conditions in Europe and in Africa?
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What effects did the sudden growth of slave trade in the seventeenth century have on conditions in Europe and in the Africa What had African culture been like before the seventeenth century?

The sudden growth of the slave trade in the seventeenth century had negative effects on Africa, as it led to the disruption of societies, loss of labor force, and increased violence. In Europe, it fueled economic growth and contributed to the development of colonial powers. Before the seventeenth century, African culture was diverse and rich, with vibrant trade networks, complex social structures, and varied artistic expressions.

What effects did the sudden growth of the slave trade in the 17th century have on conditions in Europe and in Africa?

I gotta nut so bad.

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Spain controlled territory in Europe (including parts of Italy and the Netherlands), the Americas (such as present-day Mexico and Peru), Africa (like territories in Northern Africa), and Asia (including the Philippines).

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The Somali Ajuuraan State supported the Omanis in their attacks on Portuguese positions in East Africa.

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Many Africans were sold into slavery and sent to the Americas(studyisland answer)

What helped to increase the slave trade in Africa during the seventh century?

The major growth in the Atlantic slave trade in the seventeenth century was to be driven by the expansion of New World exports to Europe.

What was Africa like in the 17th century?

Bad living conditions but good culture and organisational skills , extremely warn

The slave trade that began in the 16th century had all of the following effects upon Africa except?

The slave trade that began in the 16th century had various effects on Africa, including widespread depopulation, disrupted societies, and economic instability. One effect that it did not have on Africa was the spread of advanced industrial technology.

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The West coast of Africa.

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