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Q: What effects does lung cancer have on your gas exchange?
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What are the effects of tobacco smoke on human gas exchange system?

To the nonsmokers who are exposed in inhaling the cigarette smoke have a high risk of lung cancer and respiratory diseases.

Lung cancer affects which two body systems?

Lung cancer will effect the blood gas-exchange system, as damaged lung tissue, may cause difficulty in the exchange of gas from the air into the blood stream, and may cause cyanosis, deeper breathing, and even asphyxia (death, which is caused by insufficient amount of oxygen into the brain cells).

What is the site for gas exchange?

the organ that is involved in gas exchange is the lung. the specific lung structure that is the site for gas exchange is the alveolus which is part of the alveoli, which is found in the lung.

What happens when you inhale iodine gas?

You'll get lung sickness such as lung cancer.

What is the principal site of gas exchange in the lung?

They are the alveoli.

What are epithelial lung cells well suited for?

gas exchange

How do most people get lung cancer?

The majority of people who get Lung Cancer according to some studies, is smoking. There are other ways to get Lung Cancer like second hand smoke, radon gas and Asbestos.

Does gas from cars cause lung cancer?

Carbon monoxide

Tiny psacs where gas exchange occurs?

The alveoli are the final branchings of the respiratory tree and act as the primary gas exchange units of the lung.

How does angina affect the circulatory system?

Lung cancer reduces lung function (just before it kills you). The reduced lung function means there would be less gas exchange taking place, which means less oxygen getting to the body.

What are the air sacs in a mammalian lung across which gas exchange occurs?


How do land snail exchange gas's?

Land snails have a simple lung that is located next to their psudo-heart. This lung helps them exchange gas through a air hole located near the anterior posrtion of the head. Snails also have breathable skin, which aids in small levels of gas exchange with the atmosphere.