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Daisy and Tom Buchanan live in West Egg in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby." East Egg and West Egg symbolize different social classes, with West Egg representing new money and East Egg representing old money. Daisy and Tom Buchanan are characterized as being part of the old money elite.

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Q: What egg does daisy and tom Buchanan live?
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Where do tom and daisy buchannan live?

Tom and Daisy Buchanan live in East Egg, a wealthy area on Long Island, in the novel "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

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Tom and Daisy Buchanan

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Daisy Buchanan's husband in "The Great Gatsby" is Tom Buchanan.

Where was daisy Buchanan born from the book the grate gatsby?

In the book "The Great Gatsby," Daisy Buchanan was born into a wealthy family in Louisville, Kentucky. She came from a privileged background, which influenced her behavior and decisions throughout the story.

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The narrator's second cousin Daisy Buchanan and her husband Tom live in East Egg, which is a wealthy and elite area in Long Island.

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The narrator, Nick Carraway, knows Tom Buchanan because they were at Yale together, and he knows Daisy Buchanan because she is Tom's wife and they are cousins.

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Tom and Daisy Buchanan belonged to the wealthy upper class in The Great Gatsby, often referred to as the "old money" elite. They were part of the aristocracy of East Egg, which signifies their position in society as wealthy and privileged individuals.

Did daisy Buchanan go to school?

Yes, Daisy Buchanan attended finishing school in Louisville before marrying Tom Buchanan.

What was daisy's husband name?

Tom Buchanan

What kind of relationship exits between nick and Buchanans?

Nick Carraway is a distant cousin of Daisy Buchanan, the wife of Tom Buchanan. Nick becomes friends with the Buchanans, who live in the East Egg, through their cousinship, but he soon becomes entangled in their tumultuous marriage and the secrets they harbor.

Who is Pammy in The Great Gatsby?

Pammy is Daisy Buchanan's daughter in The Great Gatsby. She is briefly mentioned in the novel as a young child who Daisy has with her husband, Tom Buchanan. Pammy's role in the story is minor, primarily serving as a symbol of Daisy and Tom's unfulfilling marriage.

Who are the people on horseback who drop by Gatsby's house for a visit?

The people on horseback who visit Gatsby's house in "The Great Gatsby" are a trio of well-to-do guests from East Egg. They are Jordan Baker, Tom Buchanan, and Daisy Buchanan.