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Q: What eggs does a blackfooted ferret eat?
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What does blackfooted ferret play?

my ferret, kooperton, who is a blackfooted ferret plays tag and hide and go seek, he also plays aattack the human, and pulls off my socks. Ferrets play a lot and play everything

What do ferrets eat naturaly?

Ferrets are carnivores so in the wild they eat meat but they have been bred to eat specially made ferret food. added : domestic ferrets, the ones you keep as pets, cannot and do not survive in the wild. They are 100% dependant on humans for food and shelter. There has never been, in recorded history, a case of a domestic ferret becoming feral. When a domestic ferret is "released" into the wild, it soon dies by predation, or starvation. The "wild" ferret is properly called the North American Blackfooted Ferret, and is highly endangered and protected. They were once thought to have become extinct, but have been reintroduced through a captive breeding and release program. It is illegal to own or bother a blackfooted ferret. In the wild, the blackfooted ferret eats mainly prairie dogs, (and then lives in their burrows)or any other animal it can overpower. Domestic ferrets, the ones kept as pets, should be fed a high protien diet of high quality meat-based cat food. They should NOT be fed dog food, as it does not contain enough nutrient for ferrets. Raw uncooked meats, such as beef, and chicken are also appreciated by domestic pet ferrets.

Can a girl ferret have babies without a boy ferret?

No. The sperm from the male ferret is required to fertilise the egg / eggs of the female ferret

What happens when the black footed ferret population goes down?

They stir upp the ground and help grow fresh grass for the grazers if they die the heards leave and lion and crocodile have nothing to hunt for so then they die to so if the blackfooted ferret dies then 3 animals will die

Could a crow eat a baby ferret?

A crow could possibly eat a baby ferret

What does a black footed ferret eat list?

Mainly prairie dogs, but will take any small rodent, birds eggs and nestlings, scorpions and spiders.

Will a ferret eat a guineapig if in the same cage?

A ferret will almost certainly kill and eat a guinea pig if it had the chance.

Can you feed eggs to your ferret?

Yes. Ferrets can eat eggs such as chicken eggs and duck eggs but should only be given them 2-3 times a month as part of a varied diet.

Can ferrets eat Skittles?

NO! Do not give your ferret anything high in sugar as they can develop diabetes. They are carnivores and should eat meat, eggs and special ferret pet food. Fruit and vegetables should also be avoided as they are high in sugar and the ferret is unable to digest them. Eating fruit and vegetables may cause the ferret to have an upset stomach or in more severe cases intestinal blockages.

How many eggs does a black footed ferret lay?

Ferrets are mammals and give live birth not eggs.

Can a ferret eat an owl?

C. It depends on their sizes if the owl is small and the ferret is big then it is possible but ussually i think the owl will eat the ferret. It depends on sizes, strenth and hungrynes! if its really hungry it will try to eat the owl!

Can a ferret eat meat?

Ferrets eat meat, that is their diet as they are carnivores.