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In the Sinnoh Pokédex, the following electric types can be caught:

Shinx (Luxio -> Luxray)

Pichu (Pikachu -> Raichu)

Elekid (Electabuzz - Electivire)*

Jolteon (Eevee -> Thunderstone)*

*Platinum only

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Q: What electric type Pokemon are in Sinnoh regoin?
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Pokémon 199 in the Sinnoh Region is Electivire, the Thunderbolt Pokémon. It is number 466 in the National Pokedex. It is an Electric Type, and evolves from Electrabuzz, who is evolved from Elekid. I hope this helped!

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Elekid is an Electric type pokemon.

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There are no Pokemon that are Ground AND fighting, yet.

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Which one? In the Pokemon games (If I remember right) are these Kanto: Ground Johto: Dragon Hoenn: Water Sinnoh: Electric Unova: Dragon( Black and White) Water (Black 2 and White 2) Kalos: Ice

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Ground type Pokemon can beat Electric type Pokemon easily.

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yes it is, when u attack a electric Pokemon with a dark Pokemon it as no effect.

What Pokemon in the Sinnoh dex is 152?

Chikorita, its the grass type starter Pokemon for the Johto Region.

What beats electric Pokemon?

Fire type Pokemon or fire type moves beat electric Pokemon.

What is the fastest electric type Pokemon?

The fastest electric type pokemon is probably........... Jolteon

What hurts electric Pokemon?

Electric Pokemon have a very powerful and crippling weakness to the Ground type. Ground type moves are super effective against most Electric type Pokemon. In addition Ground type Pokemon are also immune to Electric type moves.