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Q: What electrical channel transfers bits within the circuitry of a computer?
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What is the term for an electrical channel within the circuitry of a computer than can transfer 8 bytes of data at a time?

64 bit data bus

What is electronic channel that transfers day in multiple directions?


What are the bits inside the computer that travel along electrical channels?

A bit that travels along an electrical channel in a computer is known as a variable or a component that has value. It is said to have two main values, which is the On and Off which is very logical giving the purpose of its function.

What is fiscal channels?

A channel between monetary institutions ( e.g banks ) used for monetary transfers.

What is VCM in computer?

virtual channel memory

How do you get the Homebrew Channel without a computer?

You can't. You need a computer and an SD card.

How do voltage sensitive channel proteins respond to electrical signals?

Your mom's vagina

Do you have to download the Homebrew channel on a computer?

No, you can run it on any system that has a Homebrew channel from a site or download.

Is Home brew channel in Wii shop channel?

Retard, no. You have to download it . using your computer. Google it

Define the term communication channel?

In terms of an IBM mainframe, a Channel is the electronic circuitry and wiring cables that allows for the connection of peripheral equipment. Such devices as tape drives, DASD (hard drives), card readers, etc, are attached to the Mainframe via Channels. Data moves down the channel as electronic signals. The position on the channel establishes its identifying Address.

Difference between processor and input output channel?

The processor puts information into an acceptable form for your computer. The input output channel is a physical link that connects the computer to an output or input device.

How many new programs are there on the Ninja channel?

Ninja channel does not exist. The only Ninja channel is the Youtube channel of Ninja. There people can find a lot of videos of the computer game Halo.