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Gamma rays. These high energy electromagnetic waves are given of in nuclear reactions (including those in stars)

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Q: What electromagnetic wave is found in space or nuclear explosions?
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What is the nuclear test ban treaty?

Prohibits nuclear weapon test explosions and any other nuclear explosions in three environments: in the atmosphere, in outer space and underwater, but does not prohibit underground nuclear explosions

Do nuclear bombs travel through space?

Yes, why couldn't they? An ICBM carries its nuclear warhead into space and then releases it allowing it to fall from space onto its target. Several hydrogen bomb tests had been performed by the US in space in the early 1960s (one of these caused a delay to a Gemini space mission due to a radiation belt it created that could hurt the astronauts). A project to build spacecraft propelled by nuclear explosions called Project Orion began in the middle 1950s and was stopped in 1963 when the Atmospheric Test Ban Treaty prohibited nuclear explosions in space.

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Heavy elements were formed in stars, and blown out into space in supernova explosions.

How can the space travelers on board in the space heard the explosions in the space?

I'm not sure which explosions you're referring to. But if an explosion were tooccur near a manned spacecraft, the people on board could not hear it.

What are electromagnetic waves that can travel through space?

Any electromagnetic wave can travel through space, and they all do.

Is there nuclear waste in space?

Yes, there is nuclear waste in space.

How high can explosions get on the Sun?

These can extend for literally miles into space.

What actually are Supernovas?

Supernovas are the explosions of large stars in space.

Electromagnetic radiation that comes from the outer space is?

Electromagnetic radiation that comes from outer space are called, Cosmic Rays.

Why does an electromagnetic wave in space never slow down?

In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.

How can the command centre communicate with the space ship in space if outer space is a vacuum?

They use radio waves which are a type of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum Ligth is a type of electromagnetic wave and that travels through space from the sun and the stars.

What was the Atmospheric test ban treaty?

On 5 August 1963, the United States, United Kingdom and Soviet Union signed and adopted the Partial Test Ban Treaty. The parties agreed not conduct tests on nuclear weapons. They would not carry out nuclear explosions in the outer space, atmosphere or under water.