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I believe the answer is nitrogen.

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Q: What element can be fixed into plant material by bacteria?
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Is pepper a compound or a element?

Pepper is plant material, not a chemical, so is neither an element nor a compound.

What do marsh shrimp eat?

Decaying plant material, bacteria, fungi and attached organisms.

What is the diffrence between fixed nitrogen and free nitrogen?

OK well free nitrogen is fixed by bacteria that live in the soil. some bacteria live in nodules, or bumps , on certain plant roots. the bacteria get food from the plants, and plants absorb fixed nitrogen from the bacteria. animals get nitrogen by eating plants or by eating prey that have eaten plants. fixed nitrogen may enter the soil in other ways too. a small amount of free nitrogen in the air by lighting. it is carried to the ground by rainfall. fixed nitrogen also enters the soil because of decomposers. decomposers break down dead organisms, and fixed nitrogen is released in the soil. the fixed nitrogen can be absorbed by plant roots.

Nonliving material that makes up the cell walls of a plant cells?

cellulose. cellulose is not the material in ALL cell walls, just plant cells. It's chitin in fungi and peptidoglycan in bacteria.

What class of animals eat only bacteria?

Animals that live on bacteria include paramecium and amoeba. Besides eating bacteria, these organisms can also exist on algae and dead plant and animal material.

How are bacteria involved in the formation of coal?

Bacterial growth within the plant material causes a gradual breakdown of molecules in the plant tissue, leaving carbon and some impurities behind. This material that eventually will become coal after millions of years.

In a water treatment plant bacteria are used to digest material in the water however these bacteria can be harmful to humans because of this what other steps must be taken in treatment of water?

chemicals must be added to kill the bacteria after they have finished digesting

What Water treatment plant bacteria are used to digest material in the water. However these bacteria can be harmful to humans. Because of this what other steps must be taken in the treatment of water?

chemicals must be added to kill the bacteria after they have finished digesting

In a water treatment plant bacteria are used to digest material in the water. However these bacteria can be harmful to humans. Because of this what other steps must be taken in the treatment of water?

chemicals must be added to kill the bacteria after they have finished digesting

How is a bacterial cell like a plant or animal cell?

Note that bacteria are not all alike ... but except for the fact that bacteria DNA material is carried loose in the cytoplasm and is not doubled, they're basically identical.

Why is cud chewing beneficial to some hoofed animals?

Animals that chew their cud (aka, 'ruminate') are called ruminants. This is beneficial to these animals because they have bacteria in their stomachs that digest the various plant materials the ruminant eats. To help the bacteria digest the plants, the ruminant brings up a wad of plant material (called the cud) and chews it thoroughly to mechanically break down the tough structural fibers of the plant. The ruminant then reswallows the cud, the bacteria digest the plant and both the bacteria and the cow get their necessary nutrients from the plant.

How do goats get their nutrients?

Microbes and bacteria digest the cellulose and plant material that the goat eats in the rumen. The goat's digestive system then absorbs these by-products.