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It is Nitrogen, located in the amino-group ( -NH2)

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Q: What element do amines contain that aldehydes and alcohol do not?
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Related questions

Do amines contain oxygen?

Not necessarily. Amines contain nitrogen, but many do not contain oxygen.

How do you know a schiff bases?

Schiff bases are imines formed by the condensation of aldehydes or ketones with primary amines

How schiff's base was discovered?

Schiff base was proposed by Hugo Schiff and are imines that are formed by the condensation of aldehydes or ketones with primary amines.

What molecules make a scent?

Organic Molecules are involved in the sense of smell; specifically esters, amines, ketones, and even aldehydes.

Amines all contain atoms of?


Which category that contains nitrogen?

Amines contain nitrogen.

True or false Amines amides and amino acids are organic compounds containing the element?

They all contain Nitrogen, but not all substances containing nitrogen are organic componds, like amides, amines, amino acids. There are others: cyano- nitro-, imides, azo- , etc.

Which class is made of molecules contains the amino group?

These compounds are called amines.

Which functional group is present in structure of haloperidol?

alkane haloalkane amide alcohol ketone not so much a functional group but it does contain ring structures like benzene

Name all the functional groups.?

Alkanes, Alkyl group, Alicyclic cycloalkanes/cycloalkenes, Halogenoalkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols, Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic acids, Esters, Amines, a-amino acids, Amides, Nitro.

Does Ares have amines?

Amines being organic compounds and functional groups that contain a basic nitrogen atom with a lone pair.Probably not something the Greek god of war would be interested in.

Why aniline dissolve in alcohol but not dissolve in water?

Lower aliphatic amines are soluble in water because they can form hydrogen bonds withwater molecules. However, solubility decreases with increase in molar mass of amines due to increase in size of the hydrophobic alkyl part. So higher amines are essentially insolube in water.