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Examples: oxygen, sulfur, carbon, phosphorus etc.

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Q: What element do most of the polyatomic ions have in the formula?
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What element do most polyatomic ions contain?


Are a vast majority of polyatomic ions cations?

No. Most polyatomic ions are anions.

What are the usual endings for the names of polyatomic ions?

The names of most polyatomic ions end in -ite or -ate.

Which polyatomic ion has 4 oxygens?

The three most common such ions probably are sulfate, with the formula SO4-2, chromate, with the formula CrO4-1, and perchlorate, with the formula ClO4-1.

Are polyatomic ions positively charged?

Most polyatomic ions have a negative charge. There are only 2 positive polyatomic ions; Mercury(I) ion and Ammonium ion. False.

Characteristic is shared by most simple polyatomic ions?

They are anions

What characteristics is shared by most simple polyatomic ions?

They are Anions.

Do Polyatomic ions always contain oxygen?

In most of the cases it is true but SCN- , Transition metals complex ions and some organic poly atomic ions do not contain oxygen.

How are polyatomic ions usually charged?

It depends but most are negative, e.g. nitrite, sulfate, nitrate, sulfite, chlorite, phosphate, phosphite, permanganate, chromate, dichromate etc. There are however, polyatomic ions that are positively charged.

Polyatomic ions always carry a positive charge?

False. Polyatomic ions can carry either charge. For example, consider the sulphate ion - SO42- or the hydroxide ion, OH-. Negative polyatomic ions are, in fact, generally more common than positive ones.

How do write the formula for a compound containing a polyatomic ion?

Write the symbol of the cation first, than the anionState the combining capacity for each element over each of the ionsUse the 'cross over' method and reduce the numbers to the lowest ration (without changing the formula for the ion)e.g. Na + SO4 2- -> Na2SO4

What element is most likely to form ions with -3?

Phosphorous or nitrogen