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DNA does not contain uracil. RNA does!!

DNA contains guanine binds with Thymine in DNA

RNA contains guanine that binds with uracil DNA does not contain uracil. RNA does!!

DNA contains guanine binds with Thymine in DNA

RNA contains guanine that binds with uracil

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11y ago

DNA does not contain Uracil, only RNA does. DNA has Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine. In RNA, Uracil is used instead of Thymine although it still has Adenine, Guanine and Cytosine.

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6y ago

DNA does not contain the nitrogen base uracil, which is found in RNA in place thymine.

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Q: 3 DNA does NOT contain the nitrogen base?
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What nitrogen base has 3 bonds?

Ammonia? Or are you reffering to DNA in which case Guanine base pairs with Cytosine by forming 3 hydrogen bonds.

Is DNA made from thousands of kinds of monomers?

Human DNA contains 3 billion pairs of nitrogen bases, which means that it contains a total of 6 billion nitrogen bases, and 6 billion DNA nucleotides, which are the monomers of DNA. Each nucleotide contains one nitrogen base.

3 components of DNA?

The three components of DNA are phosphate, deoxyribose sugar, and nitrogen base. A DNA strand looks like a ladder. The "sides" of the ladder are made up by the phosphates and deoxyribose sugars the "steps" are the nitrogen bases.

What are the 3 structural components of DNA?

A phosphate group, a five-carbon sugar (deoxyribose), and a nitrogen base.

Name the 3-part structure that makes up both DNA and RNA?

pentose(ribose for RNA; deoxyribose for DNA), nitrogen base(AUGC for RNA; ATGC for DNA) and phosphate.

What are the three components of nucleotides?

Deoxyribose, phosphate group, and nitrogen base. :D Have fun on biology h.w!

How is RNA different from DNA list 3 things?

RNA contains a ribose sugar that ha oxygen while DNA has deoxyribose sugar which does not have oxygen. DNA has the base Thymine, while RNA has the base Uracil. RNA is single stranded while DNA is double stranded in a double helix.

Does the human body contain nitrogen?

Yes, all organisms need nitrogen because part of the nucleotides of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) is a "nitrogeneous base", which is essential for life. Nitrogen is also present in many organic compounds, including proteins and nucleic acids. By mass nitrogen is the 4th most abundant element in the body.

What are 3 components of the DNA nucleotide?

The three components that create a DNA nucleotide are a phosphate group, a nitrogenous base [this will be either Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, or Thymine], and a Sugar [deoxyribose, which is how we get the D in DNA].

What are 3 things a nucleotide is made up of?

the three components that make up a nucleotide are a phosphate,deoxyribose and a nitrogen base

What are 3 units that make up DNA?

The three basic units of DNA are phosphate, deoxyribose and nitrogen base ( adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine).

How many different elements are in ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH?

Ammonium hydroxide contain: N, H, O - 3 elements.