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Q: What element does thorium-230 decay when it emits an alpha particle?
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Are the alpha particle and helium nucleus the same thing?

Yes and no, alpha particles are a form or radiation (a helium nucleus), they are emitted from an unstable radioactive element which decays (and turns into some lighter element) by emitting the alpha particle. This form of decay is called alpha decay.

What is the kind of decay that results in the formation of a different element called?

Alpha decay is a kind of radioactive decay in which an alpha particle is emitted from an atom. An alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons. Therefore, when an atom of an element undergoes alpha decay, it loses two protons, which changes the atom from one element to another. This is because each different element is identified by the number of protons in its atomic nuclei.

What is the kind of decay that's results in the formation of a different element?

Alpha decay is a kind of radioactive decay in which an alpha particle is emitted from an atom. An alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons. Therefore, when an atom of an element undergoes alpha decay, it loses two protons, which changes the atom from one element to another. This is because each different element is identified by the number of protons in its atomic nuclei.

What is the kind of decay that results in the formation of a different?

Alpha decay is a kind of radioactive decay in which an alpha particle is emitted from an atom. An alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons. Therefore, when an atom of an element undergoes alpha decay, it loses two protons, which changes the atom from one element to another. This is because each different element is identified by the number of protons in its atomic nuclei.

What kind of decay results in the formation of a different element?

both top and bottomAlpha decay is a kind of radioactive decay in which an alpha particle is emitted from an atom. An alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons. Therefore, when an atom of an element undergoes alpha decay, it loses two protons, which changes the atom from one element to another. This is because each different element is identified by the number of protons in its nuclei.or to be more blunt without all the detail radioactive

What element does thorium 230 decay when it emits an alpha particle?

This isotope is radium-226.

What is the element formed during aplha decay?

It is not an element, but it is just the nucleus of a helium atom. In alpha decay equations, you can denote the alpha particle as 42He because it has an atomic mass of 4 and 2 protons.

What is the process in which a new lighter element is created by the release of an alpha ray particle from an atomic nucleus?

The process in which a new lighter element is created by the release of an alpha ray particle from an atomic nucleus is called alpha decay of the original nucleus.

In alpha decay the parent element and the daughter element can be different isotopes of the same element but in beta decay the parent and daughter element are always the same?

No. In both the cases the element would definitely change. As alpha particle comes out then the new element would have two less in atomic number where as in beta particle decay the new element will have one higher in atomic number.

When alpha particle tunnels out of nucleus is the atom still an atom of the element polonium atomic number 84?

No, after the alpha decay of polonium lead isotopes were obtained.

What type of decay is involved when polonium -214 decays into lead -210?

It is alpha decay. In the process, an alpha particle(He2+) is released. So, it is called alpha decay.

What is the product of radioactive decay HE called?

An alpha particle