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"Pb" Lead, its atomic number is 82 and the mass number is 207.2, as it has six electronic shells therefore it is placed in the sixth period of the Periodic Table and as it has 4 electrons in it's outer most shell therefore it is placed in group number four of the periodic table.

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16y ago
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5d ago

The element with 4 electron shells and 1 electron in the outer shell is potassium (K).

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9y ago

The element that has 4 electron shells and 8 outside electrons is Krypton. The K, L, M and N shells have 2, 8, 18 and 8 electrons respectively.

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15y ago

All elements in group 14 each have 4 valance electrons, which are the electrons in its outer most energy level.

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4y ago

What element has only 1 electron in its outermost shell, but has 4 shells.

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13y ago

Carbon, Silicon, Germanium, Tin and Lead

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3y ago

khkjgghvlj/bfxnfcxhggbjkhnbcxzbfergdtfgbkujhngbvxczASCadxcvbuilkhmg fcdredsfguk,mhgv hfdssdfguijkm hgv fdazxjmymm, hjbvczgtryhj,km gkhfcazsdfiuklujhb vsasdfkj,nhbrhderfghjhgfsdfghijkahfguiafhcj acmnfjauhsdlksncmnjabxuifnvjcxvuyad m,sn vbaunvasjvnuasndfkld aohdjkm va; gaoskjdfme dsouaejhfausdjf uhfusdhf cap iodjg;a dxalijvilasdhv aidv avahvdixjvsmdvs sdfialkdj dfahv ahfjeowjdkf vaiosdkjfmedskajv apisdojviuj kjgviah80dv ipfajcxvisfjdiohgvunsnjcvx gchsjcn mxfz,c jaskd ikdjnxzmnksv bhjbkm,njk n hbjnkml,njkniu hjbnkn;mkmlrq.dafnmvkmcj ngtmsn

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Q: What element has 4 electron shells and 1 electron in the outer shell?
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