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3d ago

The element with its outermost electron in the 7s1 orbital is francium (element 87). Its outermost electron is in the 7th energy level (n=7), specifically in the 7s subshell.

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Q: What element has its outermost electron is 7s1?
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What element has its outermost electrons in 7s1?

The element is francium.

Electron configuration for francium?

7s1 because the definition of valence electrons are the outermost s and p electrons therefore in this case there is only an outermost s electron and therefore the answer is 7s1. NOTE:IT DOES NOT INCLUDE THE D AND THE F ELECTRONS!!!!Other valence configuration examples include;Nitrogen : 2s2 2p3Chlorine : 3s2 2p5Zinc: 4s2Bromine: 4s2 4p5

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The electron configuration of francium is [Rn]7s1.

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This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.

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The electron configuration of francium is [Rn]7s1.

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