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Q: What element has one more proton than copper and is in same family?
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What is more reactive copper or lead?

copper is very un-reactive. lead is more reactive.

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What element has one more proton than nickel and has one fewer proton then zinc?


Is copper made up more than one element?

No. Copper is a single element.

Is copper more than two elements?

Copper is a single element.

How does radioactive decay produce new elements?

In alpha decay, the nucleus loses two protons and two neutrons. The resulting element will therefore have an element number that is two less.In beta minus decay, a neutron gets converted to a proton. The resulting element will have one more proton - the element number will be one more. In beta plus decay, a proton gets converted to a neutron. The resulting element will have one less proton - the element number will be one less.

What variable organizes the current periodic table?

The variable is protons. Each element in the periodic table of elements has one more proton in its nucleus than the element before it (starting with hydrogen, which has one proton).

Is copper made up of more than one element?

Yes, the metallic copper is an element, this means 'of one kind of atoms', it is Cu with atom number 29 in the periodic table. A 'copper' (money piece) is not made of pure copper, it is an alloy, the same like a 'nickel'.

How is element with atomic number 82 in the periodic table different from the element with atomic number 81?

one more proton, and electron

How is the element With atomic number 82 in the Periodic table Different from the element With atomic number 81?

one more proton, and electron

What element is more conductive than copper?

Silver but it's more expensive so we tend to use copper more for conducting electricity

What element has 1 more proton than hydrogen?

The atomic number is equivalent to its number of protons. One proton in atom is its atomic number is 1. Hydrogen is the only atom with one proton.