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Q: What element has the same number of valence electrons as As (arsenic)?
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Which element has the same number of valence electrons as As (arsenic)?

Sb (antimony)

which element has the same number of valence electrons as As(arsenic)?

Sb (antimony)

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As: Arsenic 33

How many valence electrons does arsenic have?

The chemical element arsenic, or As, is in group 15, period 4. Thus its electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p3. Since its outermost shell is 4, arsenic has 5 valence electrons.

What are the number of valence electrons in arsenic?


What is the expected number of valence electrons for a group 3 A element?

The expected number of valence electrons for a group 3 A element is 5 number of valence electrons.

What do Valence Electrons determine?

The Group Number of the Element you're working on determines the number of Valence Electrons. Valence electrons are electrons in the outside energy level.

What element in rat poison has 33 electrons?

Element thirty three is Arsenic and can be fatal to humans.

How many valence electrons in arsenic?

Arsenic has a mass number of 33 with an electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p3. This means that there are 3 valence electrons.

What is the number of valence electrons the element boron?

Boron has 3 valence electrons out of five total electrons.

Does the valence electrons equal the number of protons?

Rarely. The number of valence electrons of an element depends on it's position on the periodic table. Any given element can have between 1-8 valence electrons. The number of valence electrons increases left to right on the periodic table, while the number of protons, which determine the atomic mass and identity of an element, increase in general. Therefore the number of valence electrons can only equal the number of protons at the 8th element and below (neon).