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A motif is an element in a story that has both a literal and symbolic meaning. It is a recurring theme, image, or symbol that contributes to the overall message or theme of the story. Motifs can add depth and complexity to a story by conveying multiple layers of meaning to the reader.

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Q: What element in a story has both literal and symbolic meaning?
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What is a narrative in which every literal element has a symbolic meaning?

An allegory.

When an author uses symbolic language in his or her story the end result is a story with?

The result is a story with both a literal and a symbolic meaning.

When an author uses symbolic language in his or her story the end result is?

Both a literal and a symbolic meaning

What is the Difference between a literal and symbolic story?

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dramaticas an additional meaning beyond the literal meaning of the story

What are the two levels pf meaning in a parable?

The two levels of meaning in a parable are the literal level and the symbolic or spiritual level. The literal level refers to the surface meaning of the story, while the symbolic level contains deeper truths or moral lessons that the parable is meant to convey. The symbolic level often requires interpretation or reflection to understand its intended meaning.

What is true of symbolic language in a story?

Symbolic language in a story uses literary devices such as metaphors, similes, and imagery to represent abstract ideas, emotions, or themes. It adds depth and layers of meaning to the narrative, allowing the reader to interpret and uncover hidden messages or themes within the story. Symbolic language can help create a richer reading experience and encourage deeper reflection on the text.

What in a story can make the story a kind of symbol or allegory with a broader meaning beyond its mere literal meaning?

Symbolism in a story can create allegorical meanings beyond the literal by using objects, characters, or events to represent abstract ideas or themes. This can add depth to the narrative and allow readers to interpret the story in different ways, making it more open to broader interpretations and symbolic readings.

What is a symbolic story?

a symbolic story is a story which has a meaning for something or someone or a religion.

What is allegory and how was it used in renaissance art?

An allegory is an extended metaphor, or a story with two meaning. One meaning is literal and the other meaning is symbolic. So then, in renaissance art work, a painting of a violin is not simply a painting of a violin, it would have symbolic meaning to the artist that painted the violin.

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what is the symbolic meaning