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Q: What element is a conductor of electricity in one form but an insulator in another form?
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What makes a substance an insulator versus a conductor?

Hi, Answer lies in the electron distribution of the element. In insulator the valence electron in the outer most orbit is not present which in the case of conductor is present so insulators do not have free electron or losely held electron to conduct electricity so they are bad conductor of electricity or in other word they are INSULATORS. hope this answers your question

Is oxygen A conductor Or Insulator?

Oxygen, a non-metallic element, is an insulator.

Which element is a semi-conductor of electricity?

Most conductors conduct both heat and electricity well. A semiconductor is a conductor whose resistance is between that of a conductor and an insulator. An example of a semiconductor is silicon which is used in electronic appliances

Is the element neon a good conductor of heat and electricity?

Neon is a good insulator due to its stable electron structure. Insulator acts as a barrier to electrons. Neon is used in bulbs.

Is the element Argon a conductor or an insulator?

Argon is an insulator and it is also becoming more popular as in insulator used in windows!

What is a science conductor?

A conductor is an object (usually a solid) that allows heat or electricity to pass through it easily by the process of conduction, which is a method of heat/electricity transfer in which heat/electricity travels through a solid material without actually causing movement of the medium. Copper, aluminium, and pretty much all metals are good conductors. Water is a conductor of electricity but an insulator of heat. An insulator is the opposite of a conductor, and absorbs heat/electricity rather than channeling it. Plastic is an insulator of both heat and electricity. Wood, styrofoam and vacuum (dead air, like in space) are also heat insulators.

Is tungsten an insulator?

Tungsten is a metallic element of the periodic table. Because of this, it is not an insulator of energy but a conductor instead.

What is an element that is neither a good conductor or a good insulator?

silicon, which is a semiconductor.

What is the name of an element that conducts heat and electricity poorly?

an insulator

Which element would be the best conductor of electricity?

Silver is the best conductor of electricity, and as it is costly, copper is widely used.

If testing show an element is a poor conductor of electricity it is probably a?

This element is a metalloid.

Which element is malleable and a good conductor of electricity at stp?
