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the element with seven valence electrons will be more reactive. The reason for this is that elements want to always want to have a full valence shell (they always want 8, like a noble gas). The element with eight valence electron is happy with its full shell and will not want to get rid of any electrons.

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13y ago

An element whose atoms have eight valence electrons each is much less reactive, because such an element already has the energy-minimizing electron configuration, a closed octet, that other elements achieve by reaction with one another. Elements with seven electrons in each valence shell have a strong drive to abstract another one from a less electronegative atom such as a metal.

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13y ago

Any element with 8 valence electrons has a noble gas configuration.

So, it is very less reactive .

On the other hand, an element with 7 valence electrons will be highly reactive so as to gain one electron to have stable or noble gas configuration.

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11y ago

element with 8 valence electrons have completely filled shells (orbitals) and hence are stable.

element with 7 valence electron need one more electron to get completely filled shell and hence are reactive.

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11y ago

Yes, elements with either 1 or 7 valence electrons are super-reactive. So reactive, in fact, that they often don't even exist in nature by themselves - only in compounds. Group 1 is called the alkali metals. They quickly lose their 1 valence electron to form positive ions. Group 7 is called the halogens. They easily gain 1 valence electron to satisfy the octet rule and form negative ions.

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An element with 7 valence electrons is more reactive because all elements want to have 8 valence electrons. If an element only has 7, it can react to get to 8.

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Q: What element is most reactive an en element with 7 valence electrons or an element with 8 valence electrons?
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