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Q: What element is obtained by plants directly from the atmosphere?
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What is the transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere to plants and back to the atmosphere or directly into plants again?

Nitrogen cycle

Do plants use water directly from the atmosphere?


Why plants and animals unable to absorb nitrogen directly for atmosphere?

Nitrogen is not very reactive

Where do plants get the minerals they need?

There are 14 essential plant nutrients. Carbon and oxygen are obtained from the atmosphere, and the other nutrients are absorbed from the soil.

Gas given off by plants that is needed by animals?


What chemical form is nitrogen obtained by plants?

Nitrogen is obtained by the plants in the mineral form.

Is uranium found in the atmosphere?

Uranium can be detected in the atmosphere near uranium plants and mines. Working with care the concentration is extremely low and without significance.But if the sample is sufficiently great any element can be detected in any atmosphere.

What is largest source of nitrogen?

Nitrogen is the most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere. Bacteria in the soil 'fix' the nitrogen gas into compounds which can be taken in by plants; the plants get eaten by animals & they use the nitrogen to make proteins.

Carbon in fossil fuel is obtained from plants by the process of?

Fossil fuel is obtained from plants by the process of photosynthesis.

How an organism interacts directly with a living Element in the aquarium?

The plants take in carbon dioxide given off by the fish during the day

Does plants take in nitrogen directly from air?

NO. Nitrogen is a required nutrient for plants but it is obtained from ammonia or nitrates used as fertilizers. Some plants can "fix" (convert nitrogen in the air to an usable form) with the assistance of microorganisms living at the roots.

Why is rhizobi a helpful bacteria?

Rhizobia are known as nitrogen fixation bacteria. Nitrogen is an essential element for plants and it is plentiful in the atmosphere but in a form that is inaccessible to plants. Rhizobia can convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can uptake through their roots.