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Sodium (Na) is the largest element among Mg (magnesium), S (sulfur), Na (sodium), and Cl (chlorine) when comparing their atomic radii. Sodium has the largest atomic radius because it is located in the third period of the Periodic Table, whereas magnesium is smaller due to being in the second period.

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Q: What element is the largest Mg S Na CI?
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S na cl mg witch one is largest?

Magnesium (Mg) is the largest atom among sulfur (S), sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl), and magnesium (Mg). This is because the size of an atom increases as you move down a group in the periodic table. Magnesium is located below the other elements in the periodic table, making it the largest atom among these options.

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Rb (Rubidium) is the largest element among Li, Na, Rb, and K as you move down the same group or in the same period from left to right on the periodic table.

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H2O. Notice the presence of two elements, H and O. Each of the other three is an element.

What is the chemical symbol CI?

There is no chemical symbol CI. If you meant Cl then it is Chlorine.

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Which element is the largest K Rb Na Li?

Rb (rubidium) is the largest element among K (potassium), Rb (rubidium), Na (sodium), and Li (lithium). This is because as you move down a group in the periodic table, the atomic size increases due to the addition of more electron shells.

What element has the element Na?

The element Sodium has the chemical symbol Na. Na is from the Latin Natrium.

Is Na a compound or and element?

Na is an element. It is Sodium.

Arrange the following ions in increasing order of size Be Cl s na mg br?

From LArgest to smallest it is Br, Mg, Na, Cl, Be.... This is because of ionization the concept is realitivly simple as you go to the right of the peroidic table they do not want to loose there electrons and the attraction of the electrons to the nucleus is greater therefore making the atoms smaller as you go to the right.

What element has the same chemical properties as neon?

Na (sodium) (2,8,1) if Na lose the outermost electron,it will be Na+ (2,8) like Ne (neon) (2,8) and Mg (magnesium) (2,8,2) if Mg lose the outer most electron, it will be Mg+2 (2,8) like Ne (2,8) and Al (aluminium) (2,8,3) if Al lose the outermost electron,it will be Al+3 (2,8) like Ne (2,8) .

How many moles in 14.625 grams of Na CI?

The answer is 0,25 moles.

Is na an atom or an element?

"Na" is the symbol of an atom of the element sodium.