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Barometers can use any liquid. A dense liquid that makes for a short column at room temperature, is Mercury.

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Q: What element is used in a barometer?
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It was not used as a barometer.

Air pressure is typically measured with a?

Air pressure is measured with a barometer.

What is an example of a sentence using the word barometer?

The barometer measures atmospheric pressure.

What is called the barometer of a circle?

A barometer is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. A circle does not have a barometer!

What is the importance of barometer?

barometer is used to measure air pressure

What is a barometer what does it do?

a barometer is a tool used to detect the air pressure

When would the barometer be used?

The most commonly barometer used today would be a Aneroid.

What is the most commonly used barometer?

The most commonly used barometer is the mercury barometer.However, it is not easy to transport but it gives more accurate results. Another type of barometer is Aneroid barometer which is easy to transport and handle.

Can a barometer be used to measure the flow of water?

No, a barometer measures pressure.

What does a barometer tell you?

A barometer is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.

What tool is used for measuring air pressure?

A barometer is the tool used for measuring air pressure. It can be either an aneroid or mercury barometer.