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Xenon and argon are the elements used in fluorescent lights.

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Q: What element is used in fluorescent lights with argon?
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What is used in fluorescent lights with argon?

Xenon and argon are the elements used in fluorescent lights.

Is used in fluorescent light with argon?

Mercury vapor is used in fluorescent lights with argon gas to produce ultraviolet light when energized by electrical current. The ultraviolet light then excites the phosphor coating inside the fluorescent tube, causing it to emit visible light.

Is argon in neon lights?

Yes, argon is commonly used in neon lights along with a small amount of neon gas. When an electric current passes through the argon and neon gases inside the tube, it excites their atoms and produces the characteristic bright glow associated with neon lights.

What element is used in fluorescent light bulbs with argon?


What is an inert gas used to make bright city lights?

The gas used in fluorescent lamps is argon. Also are used sodium vapors lamps (yellow light). The incandescent lamps have 93 % argon and 7 % nitrogen. Neon is used for red lamps.

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What gas is used in light signs?

If you're referring to neon signs, the gas used is either neon, or argon (used with mercury). Fluorescent lights use the same principle as neon signs.

How do you use fluorescent?

Fluorescent lights can be used for various functions. Aside from lighting an area, fluorescent lighting can be used as growing lights for gardening. There are also fluorescent germicidal lamps which aid in killing bacteria.

What are the elements used in argon?

Argon is an element by itself.

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What is mercury used for in fluorescent lights?

Jo tromans

What element is inside lights?

For Light bulbs:The filament is made of tungsten. There is a inert gas used around the filament which is usually argon, neon, or nitrogen.