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The diamond becomes Blue because of Boron, this microelement is trapped into the diamond lattice. See the link below for other famous Blue diamonds.

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Q: Why is the hope diamond blue in color?
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What color are the carats in the hope diamond?

All the carats in the Hope Diamond are classified as blue-gray.

A name of a blue diamond?

The Hope Diamond is a blue diamond.

What colours are in the Hope Diamond?

The Hope Diamond is basically a blue diamond.

Is the hope diamond impure?

The Hope Diamond was found to glow red after being exposed to a UV light. The impurities of the diamond cause it to glow, the same impurities that give it a blue color normally.

What kind of stone is the hope diamond?

The hope diamond is a diamond. It is special because of its strong blue color and enormous size. Diamond is a mineral made up of carbon, though inclusions of other minerals can affect its color and clarity. Learn more about diamonds here:

The famous rock is the largest stone found of its type?

The Blue Hope Diamond.

What colour is the Hope Diamond?


What color eyes do Hugo cabret have?

In the movie, it was sky blue to a blue diamond color. He might have had color contacts.

What is the 45.5 carat blue diamond called?

There is a famous diamond of about this weight called the Hope Diamond.

Why is the Hope diamond the most famous diamond?

The hope diamond is famous for its history, delicate size and beautiful color, and some say that it is supposed to be cursed.

What color was the diamond in the movie Titanic?

Dark sea blue

What does it mean when diamonds glow a different color under a black light?

it formed in a formation where flourescent minerals were present and they became part of the carbon bond that makes up the diamond. it usually makes the diamond more valuable. the hope diamond is flourescent (blue?)