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Q: What element present in coal leads to acid rain?
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What activity leads to acid precipitation?

Burning coal.

What is the only element present in coal?


How burning of coal leads to acid rain?

Coal is of many types. One of them is bituminous coal. When it is burned, it releases very much sulphur gas. This gas combines with the water vapour to form sulphuric acid. It comes down as acid rain.

Element that is a yellow solid found as an impurity in coal?

An element that is a yellow solid and found as an impurity in coal is sulfur. Sulfur is one reason why burning coal creates pollution. When impure coal is burned, sulfur dioxide is created and contributes to phenomena such as acid rain.

What element is always present in fuels like coal oil and natural gas?

Carbon and hydrogen

What state is the leading coal mining state?

Wyoming leads in production and has the third largest coal reserves. Montana and Illinois have larger reserves of coal but the production/output is greatest by Wyoming at present.

What is coal's primary element?

Carbon is the primary element in coal.

What element is found in coal?

Coal is composed mostly of the element carbon.

What is the main element that is found in coal?

The main element in coal is carbon.

What is the main element contained in coal?

The main element in coal is carbon.

What state has the most coal reserves?

Montana leads the nation in coal reserves followed by Illinois and then Wyoming which currently leads the nation in coal production.

Is coal an organic element?

No, coal is a mixture not an element, the liquid part of coal contains hundreds of organic compounds specially Aromatic compounds, but coal mainly contains Carbon as an element.