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The only element needed to start nuclear fission is Uranium-235, which is very slightly radioactive but when made into fuel rods and before any use in a reactor can be handled without danger.

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All the heavy elements ( higher than 82) having unstable nuclei may under go fission process, as Uranium, Protactinium, Thorium etc.

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Q: What elements are made by a nuclear fission reaction?
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Is nuclear fission a chain reaction?

Not of itself, but it can be made to be.

How is uranium made in to energy we can use?

Uranium-235 react with thermal neutrons in a nuclear reaction called fission. The enormous energy released by the nuclear fission can be transformed in electricity and heat in nuclear reactors.

How are elements with atomic masses greater than uranium made?

Elements that have greater atomic masses then uranium are created using nuclear fission.

What is fission made from?

Nuclear fission occurs in a few elements and then only in certain isotopes, best known are uranium-235 and plutonium-239. In these cases capture of a neutron causes the nucleus to split up into two lighter pieces, and for neutrons to be emitted. This enables a chain reaction to be started.

How does nuclear fusion happen?

Nuclear fusion is the process that powers stars, such as our sun.

In a nuclear power plant fission reactions are controlled by inserting what?

In a fission reactor, control is implemented by inserting control rods into the reactor. These are made of a material that absorbs neutrons, and prevents a reaction from taking place.

How does a nuclear disaster occur?

A nuclear disaster may occur when the radioactive materials are mishandled and which may lead to radioactive exposure or a chain reaction of nuclear fission, fusion. Most of these disasters are induced by the man made mistakes.

Nuclear fission where is it found?

stars.... stars are made of hydrogen, helium, and nuclear fusion

How does nuclear fission work?

The breakup of large nuclei into two nearly equal fragments is called nuclear fission. It sometimes produces neutrons, protons or other nuclei. This is important in nuclear reactor and bombs, where neutrons emitted from one fission event cause other nuclei to fission, releasing more neutrons and so causing chain reaction. If this chain is controlled then you have a nuclear reactor whose heat can be used to boil water and generate electricity. If the chain is uncontrolled it causes a nuclear explosion.

How is a nuclear reaction controlled?

Nuclear fission reactions usually depend on neutrons released by fission, which cause more fission in a chain reaction. The neutrons are in what is termed a neutron flux, which really means just that there are a lot of them there. If the flux is insufficient, the chain reaction stops. If it is too dense, the reaction overheats, which can lead to meltdown. Clearly, a way to control this is necessary. The control rods are made of materials that absorb neutrons. By adjusting them, the density of the neutron flux can be increased and the fuel made hotter, or it can be decreased, and the fuel made cooler. Adjusting them means changing their exposure to the fuel, for example, by changing how far they go into the fuel. They can be used to stop the chain reaction by inserting all of them all the way.

How is fission inside a powerplant controlled?

The fission is controlled by inserting rods made of a material that absorbs the neutrons. This keeps the reaction from continuing, or slows the chain reaction.

How is the energy in the reactor made to drive a turbine?

The fuel in the core of a nuclear reactor goes into a chain reaction of nuclear fission. This happens because atoms of some isotopes in the fuel undergo spontaneous fission, producing neutrons, which cause other atoms to undergo fission, and so on. The fission produces a lot of heat. The heat is typically used to boil water, which is used to turn a turbine. And finally, the turbine turns a generator to make electricity.