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Iron, copper and so on.

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Q: What elements are most likely to have various oxidation numbers?
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What element has common oxidation numbers that are plus 2 and plus 3?

The most likely elements are iron, ruthenium, osmium, chromium, cobalt, nickel, molybdenum

Are atoms of group 16 elements more likely to gain or lose electrons?

OXYGEN because it has only one oxidation state of -2, all the other elements in the group have multiple oxidation states.

which of the following elements is most likely to have an oxidation state of +2?

Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, and Radium all have an oxidation state of plus 2.

What element is most likely to have an oxidation state of 2?

The highest oxidation state ever achieved by an element is +8. This oxidation state can be found in 3 elements: Osmium, Ruthenium and Xenon.The synthetic element Hassium is also expected to have this oxidation state.

How is elements most likely oxidation state related to its valence electrons?

It indicates how many electrons are required to complete a full valence shell.

What is the likely common oxidation number of iodine?

As it forms the I- ion froming an octet its most likely oxidation number is -1

What does magnesium and iron chloride make?

most likely Magnesium-Chloride(MG?CL?) and Iron(FE?) The numbers depend on the oxidation states of iron and magnesium

What is the most likely oxidation state of Cl?

the most common oxidation state of chlorine is -1.

Are elements in the same group likely to have oxidation number why or why not?

generally yes. because they have the same number of valence electrons but there are exceptions as we go down the group due to inert pair effect

What is the most likely oxidation state nitrogen?


What is most likely oxidation state of nitrogen?


What are the atomic numbers 81-100?

Elements 89-100 are the Actinide series of elements, most of which are radioactive, and some of which can only be made artificially. Elements 81-88 are also likely to be radioactive, but are naturally occurring.