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Q: What elements of the periodic table does earth have in abundance that other planets don't have or have very little of besides water and oxygen?
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Related questions

What are the symbols of the elements named after planets?

See link. It has all the symbols for all the planets.

Are the elements in the Periodic Table of Elements only found on Earth or are they also found elsewhere?

some elements in the bottom of the periodic table man has not encountered yet, some are just theories or found on over planets or in space

How many planets are on the periodic table?

The periodic table has nothing to do with planets but some of the planets name are on it.Plutonium= Pluto Neptunium= Neptune Uranium= Uranus Mercury= MercuryTada these are the planets on the periodic table

What are the basis in naming the elements in the periodic table?

there are many basis in naming elements, here are some.. based on famous inventors' name, planets, countries, myths, latin and greek words..

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Which are the biggest planets besides Jupiter and Saturn?

Uranus and Neptune are the biggest planets besides Saturn and Jupiter. :)

What are other elements named after heavenly bodies?

Multiple elements as listed by the Periodic Table of the Elements are named after bodies in the Cosmos. Helium (He) regards Greek Helios; the Sun. Mercury (Hg), Uranium (Ur), Neptunium (Np), and Plutonium (Pu) as in the planets, are others.

Do dwarf planets have gravity?

Of course. Everything that has mass has gravity.

How many elements name by planets?

3 Elements is the Answer

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Are there other planets is the solar system?

Yes. Besides earth there are seven other major planets and 5 recognised dwarf planets.

What are the two most prevalent elements on the Jovian or gas planets?

The two most important elements on the Jovian planets are hydrogen and heliumn