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dont take drugs idiot and don't tell the world that u do on answers

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Q: What else can you smoke if you don't have any drugs and still get high?
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I dont think he still smokes weed or anything else but im positive he has smoked weed befor.....

Is weed leigal in the USA?

Weed, meth, and anything else related to Marijuana IS ILEGAL IN THE US, DONT DO DRUGS FOOL, DRUGS ARE BAD FOR YOU!

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well... maybe if she likes you and your kind and willing i think she'd be luky to have you as a boy friend as long as you dont drink , do drugs,smoke, or something else i cant mention

Does M shadows do drugs?

no not at all. he doesnt even smoke like everyone else in Avenged Sevenfold. he doesnt think drugs would b good 4 his singing.

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No. if they do drugs, they still have the exact chance as anyone else who does drugs. Age does not matter.

Should you smoke?

No you should noy smoke dont do it! You can age quicker then others, get cancer, even have a good risk of dieing! But if you'r asking this question cause you want to smoke and everyone else is dont do it cause when u get in your 30's and you get wrinkels you wont be looking so cool then....

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God's will and nothing else, (if you dont smoke, abuse pills etc)

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dont smoke have someone else's urine istead of the smoker's urine get tested

What are the drugs that can affect the nervous system?

alcohol and nicotine. i dont really know what else but those are some of the main ones.

Smoking in french?

To smoke fumer No smoking defense de fumer smoke( the noun) la fumee

Does Gary Allan smoke?

He does smoke pot, but I don't believe he smokes anything else

Why does resin burn?

cuz it still has molecules oh and dont forget that THC. what else you need to know?