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Q: What else does a bearded dragon do if it feels threatened?
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Why do bearded dragon growing?

bearded dragons grow as they get older.......kind of like every thing else

Is there a biggest bearded dragon in the world?

yes.. seeing as there are ..multiple.. bearded dragons in the world, there will always be a 'largest' and 'smallest'....Same as anything else in this world that there is more than one

How much should you touch your baby bearded dragon?

light strokes down the spin. DO NOT stroke up th spin or else it will bleed!!!! sorry if this is not what you are not looking for.

Why has your male bearded dragon got a black beard?

Sometimes they turn black because it is mating season, usually following some head bobbing and other strange behaviours. Other times it's because their angry or scared They can also turn black when sick or too hot You really just have to look at their other behaviours to tell which one it is

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maybe he feels a stronger attraction to someone else maybe he feels a stronger attraction to someone else

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Adapt to what? i mean, they have already adpted to food shortages by storing nectar, what else do you want from them? really? what else would they have to adapt to?

Do Bearded Dragon have salmonilla?

All reptiles carry salmonella - and most people aren't affected by it - HOWEVER - there are exceptions. Simple, basic hygiene both before, and after you handle a reptile is all that's needed to keep yourself (and anyone else) safe.

Can bearded drag kill gecko?

Definately. Do not house bearded dragons with any other lizards. If you are going to house two bearded dragons together ensure they are the same size or else the larger one will eat the smaller one.

How come your bearded dragon eating?

I can NOT under stand your English at all, if you meant something else. If you really meant what it looks like, than here's your answer- Bearded dragons eat to survive. like every other living thing on the planet, including you and me. DUH. If you were not looking for that answer, than retype it to look better. I cannot read that, try to read this: Howcome you bathing? Or, Why are cat is shedding? See?

How to get a gummy dragon in dragon city by breeding?

laser dragon and nenufar dragon will get you gummy dragon. But it will get somthing else sometimes. If you have two gummy dragons you will get a mirror dragon but you need a legend habit first.

What is the theme of the demons by imagine dragons?

This is my favorite Imagine Dragon's song. To me, it's about being inadequate, and wanting to be better. It's like to everybody else, he hides the fact that hes not content with where he is now and he feels greedy for wanting more.

If your ex is jealous of you sleeping with someone else does it mean he still feels for you?

yes it means he still feels for u?