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There are two basic types of cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Inside of these two groupings are more subgroupings.

That being said, a prokaryotic cell has a cell wall, and a plasma membrane that surround the cytoplasm. Inside of the cytoplasm are ribosomes, proteins, RNA and the bacterial chromosome (DNA).

A eukaryotic cell is more complex. A plant cell has a cell wall (somewhat different from the bacterial cell wall), a plasma membrane, and several organelles such as a nucleus, Golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough), mitochondria, chloroplasts, lysosomes, and vacuoles. Animal cells do not have a cell wall or chloroplasts but have the other organelles already mentioned, they also have many small vacuoles whereas plant cells usually have one large one.

In eukaryotic cells, the proteins can be found in the membranes, cytoplasm and nucleus. The DNA (chromosomes) are contained in the nucleus and the RNA is found in the nucleus or cytoplasm depending on how recently it has been transcribed and if it is being translated.


nucleus, nuclear membrane, nucleur plasma, cell membrane, chromatin, nucleur pore, protein granules, lipid vescle, mitochondria, centriols, Golgi appaartus, endoplasmic rectulum, cytoplasm, and ribosomes.


cholorplasts, cell wall, never have starch granules; sometimes have glycogen granules,


nucleus, nuclear membrane, cell membrane, chromatin, cholorplasts, ribosomes, cell wall, large sap vacuole, golge appartus, mitochondria, lipid vescles, endoplasmic rectulum, and cytoplasm


cell membrane surrounding the cell, mithocondria, nucleus, and cytoplasm


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5d ago

In addition to cytoplasm, a cell contains a cell membrane that encloses the cell and controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell. Cells also have genetic material in the form of DNA, which contains instructions for the cell's functions and characteristics. Additionally, cells have various organelles that perform specific functions within the cell, such as the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus.

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14y ago

A cell is made up of several tiny structures.

The Nucleus is in the center of the cell and holds several of the structures. It also contains RNA that is for protein manufacturing. There are chromosomes, that contains the genetic information and holds the DNA. Then, the Nuclear membrane surrounds the Nucleus in order to control nuclear traffic.

Next, just outside of the Nucleus, is the Centioles, that are cylindar-looking organelles that are involved in cellular division. after, is the Cytoskeleton, which supports the cell and provides shape. Then, is the Endoplasmic Reticulum, which is near the Nuclear Membrane, that stores, separates's, and serves as a cell's transport system.

There is the Golgi Apparatus, which is basically a protein packaging plant. The Lysome, is the structure that transports undigested material to the cell membrane for removal. The Mitochondria controls the level of water and other materials in the cells. The Ribosomes are miniature protein factories that are embedded in the Endoplasmic Reticulum. The Vacuoles are membrane sacs that are used for storage, digestions, and waste removal.

There are a few more structures that I have left out, but these are the basics that you will find in both plant and animal cells.

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No, by the cell membrane.

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The fluid inside a cell is called cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is a jelly-like substance that contains various organelles and serves as the medium for cellular processes to occur.

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Cytoplasm is a jellylike substance found in a cell. It holds the organelles together so the don't fall apart.

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I don't get your question but they both are a part of cells.I know cytoplasm is a jelly like fluid in the cells that keeps the cell parts apart

What surrounds a plant cell and gives it strength?

The nucleus and other organelles. The cytoplasm is a name for the contents of the cell apart from the nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, and other organelles.

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none. a cytoplasm is IN A CELL. a cell is NOT IN A CYTOPLASM.