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Q: What else does nicotine cause other than addiction?
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Why is smokeless tobacco addictive?

Yes, because the nicotine it contains is absorbed through the gums and stimulates receptors in the brain. Hence withdrawal can cause cravings and irritability. You can safely replace chewing tobacco with sugar free nicotine gum to chew.

Can you get nicotine from something else other then tobacco?

Yes we can get nicotin from coffee

Is it essential that all drugs cause addiction?

Yes! How else will the government and Pharma Companies make residual money of of us?

What are different things to help you quit smoking?

Many people use an alternative source of nicotine to help them quit smoking; these include nicotine chewing gum, nicotine patches, or e-cigarettes. However, as long as you use nicotine you remain a nicotine addict, and all of these nicotine products are very expensive. Many people find something else to chew on. My mother used black licorice candy. Gnaw on carrots. Putting something else in your mouth will give you at least some of the satisfaction that you used to get from cigarettes. And if it's a carrot, you are getting vitamin A, too. Some people use hypnosis, meditation, laser treatments, prayer, support groups, etc. There are lots of ways to go about it. Whole books could be written about techniques of overcoming nicotine addiction.

How do you do with network addiction?

You can eighther wait for it to fade away or do somthing else to get over your addiction. Try everything

How do you support your addiction?

By not stopping your addiction, doing it over and over and over again. How else would you support it?

Can you get rid of an addiction without treatment?

Even though treatment may be the best option, they are other ways to fight an addiction. Associate your addiction with something ugly or painful. Wear a rubber band about your wrist and every time you think about your addiction, snap the rubber band, or have someone else do it for you. You can also just get rid of anything that fuels your addiction. Keep it out of your home and don't associate with other people that have the same addiction or go places where your addiction is common. It may not be fun, but it will help you in the long run. I hope this helps and you beat whatever addiction you are dealing with. Good luck!

How effective are nicotine patches?

It's to help prevent symptoms of withdrawl. Nicotine is addictive, so if you go off it without slowly weaning yourself off, you can get headaches, irritability, and other negative symptoms. By slowly lowering the amount consumed each day, you decrease the likelihood of these symptoms.

How do you break addiction?

Addiction by it's very nature can't be "broken." However, addicts in recovery are granted a daily reprieve from addiction if they work their 12-Step program of recovery. It's more accurate to say an addiction is in remission, because an addict can always relapse.

How tobacco is harmful for health?

As well as containing pesticides. What makes tobacco so harmful is that the nicotine has been made extremely addictive by the cigarette companies use of ammonia to freebase the nicotine for easier absorbtion. Then whatever else the cigarette has will slowly kill you. If you wanted to intravenously inject nicotine, you would live longer. On the other hand pharmacologically there is little difference between cocaine and nicotine. except nicotine feels dirtier.

What if you dream someone else is a druggie?

Other characters in dreams usually represent the dreamer's own self. So this dream suggests that the dreamer's subconscious mind is trying to alert the dreamer to a possible addiction. The problem could be actual drugs, or it could be an addiction to some other behavior such as gambling or risk-taking or a toxic relationship.

What is to be done when a nicotine addict cant think anything and want to smoke nothing else?

send them to rehab