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Q: What emetic can be given in the subconctival sac?
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Why must an emetic be given after a person is give the egg white due to poisoning?

An emetic induces vomiting.

What is the meaning of emetic?

A medication or substance given to induce vomiting.

What was the drink that Zeus gave to Cronus?

It is called an emetic, given to Zeus by his wife Metis.

What emetic can be bought otc?

i want to know what kind of a drug an emetic is?

Why emetics not given to unconscious patient?

Because - an emetic is given to force the patient vomit. If given to an unconscious patient - the patient could choke if the vomit enters the airway.

What happens if you take Emetic with alcohol?

Taking an emetic with alcohol will cause vomiting.

Why must emetic given soon after the egg treatment of metal poisoning?

An emetic like ipecac syrup would only be given for orally ingested poisons, metal poisoning from fumes would not benefit. The use of eggs is outdated advice. The only acceptable adsorbant for oral poisons remains activated charcoal slurries.

What empties the stomach?

An emetic does.

What is emetic used for?

An emetic - is used to make a person vomit. It's especially useful if a person has swallowed poison.

Did Demeter have a good life when she was growing up?

Like the other children of Cronus she was devoured by her father, but he gave her forth again after taking the emetic which Metis had given him.

Why is it necessary to use an emetic to induce vomiting?

The purpose of using an emetic is to empty the stomach of its contents. If somebody has eaten a substance that is poisonous inducing vomiting can remove the substance from the stomach before it is absorbed into the blood stream. Salt water is sometimes used as an emetic.

Where is the emetic center located?

in the medula oblongata