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Q: What emotions are we born with?
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Is it possible not to have emotions?

No, humans and most animal life have emotions. We are born with them.

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Are all people born with emotions?

Yes, all people are born with the capacity for emotions. Emotions are fundamental to human experience and play a crucial role in both social interactions and decision-making. Each individual's emotional experience may vary based on genetic, environmental, and social factors.

Can one shut off their emotions?

yes. it is achieved through meditation, and drugs. it is also possible for a person to be born without emotions.

What is learned emotions?

Learned emotions are love, guilt, shame . These are learned from the parents and something you are not born with. Emotional characteristics are responses to things or people in the environment and the capacity of emotions are within a person. Sadness, anger, fear, happiness are all primary emotions

Are Vulcans naturally born without emotions or do they just ignore them?

They don't feel like they have to live by certain standards..they could have emotions if they really wanted to.

Where do emotions come from?

We were all born with emotions, as a baby we cried, smiled, were happy when we got fed or hugged. Babies can die without love and affection.

How is emotion created?

Us humans were all born with emotions but we can create emotions through our thoughts. If you think or worry about something long enough you will become sad or depressed.

Is it myriad emotions or myriad of emotions?

It is myriad of emotions.

How early do human display emotions and what are they?

Humans start displaying emotions at a very small age. Even the new born baby sometimes shows smile. They can be of happiness, Sadness or anything.

Is arousing emotions the same as expressing emotions?

No, arousing emotions refers to triggering or bringing about specific feelings in oneself or others, while expressing emotions involves conveying or showing those feelings outwardly to others. Arousal is internal, while expression is external.

Where emotions come from?

there is no exact answer, emotions come from within, it's our human nature to have emotions.